What can you do when your company, due to technical or other type of problems, lost some documents amidst thousands of others, , without even knowing which ones were lost?
Finding what have been lost by hand or using traditional methods would most of times take weeks if not months of work, at a huge cost in man hours and often with IRS fines lurking…
…unless you turn to those who know how to collect, filter and combine data, finding information from many different sources and bringing order to the chaos of collected data.
Our company, Updaters.gr, puts at your service and with extremely low costs the most advanced techniques of interfacing and extracting data from all available state and international databases and APIs. We utilize data mining capabilities, ElasticSearch, SQL and AI intelligent Search giving answers and providing solutions where there seem to be none!
We have dealt with dozens of such incidents, successfully delivering results and peace of mind to our clients!
Contact us to discuss any such problem!